A Spirited Team Needs a Killer Name
Get ready to scare up some fun this Halloween. Explore haunted places on the Virtually Haunted: The Online Halloween Scavenger Hunt, or match wits with the Halloween Trivia Slam Game. Get out and discover the spooky side of cities around the country: Greenwich Village, New York; Philadelphia; New Hope, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.; and Hollywood. Or embark on the Halloween Grab ‘n’ Go Scavenger Hunt just about anywhere.
No matter which haunted adventure you choose, you’ll need a devilishly delightful team name. An awesome name brings your team together, and might even earn you some bonus points. To help conjure up some inspiration, check out these many, many Halloween team names from groups that have competed on our Halloween scavenger hunts.
Some Pointers
Last year, we gave you tips for choosing a team name for Halloween games. Here’s a quick reminder:
- Remember the Theme: Basically anything Halloween-y! (Halloween-ish? Halloween-esque?)
- Pun It Up: Take the theme or current events, and toss in a pun or two
- Pop Culture Is Your Friend: Keep Halloween movies and creepy TV shows in mind when picking a name
- When in Doubt, Go for Poe: You can’t go wrong with “The Tell-Tale Fart” or “Edgar Allan Poe-sers.”
Terrifyingly Fun Team Names
2 Ghoul 4 Skool
99 Problems but the Witch Ain’t One
A Nightmare on Park Place
A Nightmare Story
All About the Boos: Send More!
Basic Witches
Bat Brigade
Batty McBatface
Black Cat Crew
Blood Shoes
Boo Crew
Boo-tiful Minds
BooBoo Bunnies!
The BooHoos
The BOOster Club
Boo(ze) Crew
Broom Sticks and Witches
Bruce Willis Was Dead the Whole Time
Captain Spooky Pants
Carmen Sandiego & the Turds of Misery
Cereal Killers
Chad’s Ghouliest Googlers
Children of the Candy Corn
Cookies n’ Scream
Cool Ghouls
Count Chocula
Creatures from the Black Lagoon

Creep it Real
Creepy Clams
Creepy Crawley Chemist
Curious Cats
Dances With Werewolves
Dare Devils
David S. Pumpkins (Any Questions?)
The Demogorgons
Devilish Divas
Downtown Spookies
Drunken Pumpkins
Fearless Four
Finders Keepers
Five Ghouls
The Frank-Einsteins
Frankenstein & His Momster
The Funny Bones
Ghastly Bakers
The Ghastly Group
Ghost Master Generals
Ghostess With The Mostess
Ghostly Adventurers
Ghosts Eating Toast
Ghoul Gang
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun
Gobbling Goblins
Golden Gate Ghouls
The Goth Squad
The Graveyard Shift
Groovy Ghoulies
Halloween Candy Crushers
Halloween Hooligans
Halloween Howlers
Halloweentown Howlers
Hamster Cannon
Haunted Heroes
Headless Horsewomen
Here for the Boos
Hobblin’ Gobblins
I Know What You Did Last Case Review
If You’ve Got it, Haunt It
Inebriated Imbeciles
It’s Always Scary in Philadelphia
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Moriarty!
Jeepers Creepers We’re the Reapers!
I Know What You Did Last Virtual Hunt
Lecter’s Chianti

Los Brujos Diversos
Marboorita Appreciation Club
The Mischievous Magpies
Murder Hornets
Netflix and Chills
The Nightmare Before the Weekend
No Sleep Til Preschool
Not Fast, Just Furious
Not Your Basic Witches
Only Mostly Dead
Paranormal Inactivity
People Eating Ninja Turtles
Pirates of the Dining Room Table
Pumpkin Posse
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
The Pumpkin Spice Girls
Pumpkin Spice Up Your Life
Quoth the Raven Nevermore
Resting Witch-Face
The Running Dead
Sanderson Sisters
Sassy Sasquatches
Scary Sleuth Crew
Scary Sloths
The Scooby Gang
Scooby Snaxxx
Scream 6 (Feet Apart)
Sew Fa-BOO-lous
Silence of the Clams
Skeleton Crew
The Slimy Six
Sons of Witches
The Spookettes
Spooktacular Six
Spooky Squad
The State Puff Orange Man
Sugar High Toddlers
Team Candy Corn
Temple of Zoom
Traveling Whiskey Raptors
Uncaffeinated Zombies
Voluptuous, Vivacious Village Vagabonds
Which Witch is Which?
Witch, Don’t Kill My Vibe!
Witches of Oz
Witchful Thinking
Zoom Zombies
Now It’s Your turn
Get in on the fun while you can! Explore haunted places on the Virtually Haunted: The Online Halloween Scavenger Hunt, or match wits with the Halloween Trivia Slam Game. Or get out and discover the spooky side of cities around the country: Greenwich Village, New York; Philadelphia; New Hope, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.; and Hollywood.