Scavenger Hunt for Harry Potter Fans

The Wizard School
Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • kids
  • indoor

The Wizard School Scavenger Hunt

Dodge the dragons, mind the magic!

Embark on an enchanted field trip through the Philadelphia Museum of Art in search of art that will remind you of the characters, locations, and magical items in the world of Harry Potter. Armed with only your wits and your wand—er, pencil—you’ll find a powerful sorceress, a potions master similar to Snape, centaurs and other fantastic beasts, strange sharks and mermaids that look like they belong in the Triwizard Tournament, and frightening figures that could double as Death Eaters and Dementors.

Wizards and muggles (i.e., those who aren’t Potter buffs) can play and enjoy this game. The hunt is not an addition to or variation on Harry’s adventures; rather, references to the books and movies provide a surprising bridge to amazing art. It’s a great way to discover—or rediscover—the museum.

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