Team Building Activities in San Francisco

The Exploratorium Pandemonium
Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • kids
  • indoor

The Exploratorium Pandemonium Scavenger Hunt

Put on your lab coat…

…for an investigation into mechanical marvels, human phenomena, wonders of light and sound, man-made tornadoes, dancing robots, secrets of the natural world, and stunning facts—and views—of the Bay Bridge and Treasure Island. On teams, you’ll explore this science-based museum by following a trail of clues in search of answers to fun and funny questions.

On this San Francisco scavenger hunt you might find…

  • A toilet you can drink from…if you dare
  • Something on the Golden Gate Bridge that’s a huge drag, man
  • A Weaver’s toothpick masterpiece
  • A kind of “salad” that give surfers a beautiful curl
  • A Mr. Freeze who’d pester the Penguin

Don’t worry if your name isn’t Einstein: no special knowledge of the museum or science is required to have fun—or even to win. All you need is a sharp mind, and comfy shoes don’t hurt either.

In the Kids Edition, available for ages 7 and up, children and adults join forces to solve our tricky questions. It’s an enjoyable, educational activity for school field trips, camp or youth-group outings, and birthday parties.

Contact us to learn more about our scavenger hunts at the Exploratorium—and find more team-building fun in San Francisco!

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